While I am frequently engaged and often fascinated by the current dialogue around health, economy, and technology this recent comment, made at CES2103 Digital Health Summit by a gentleman from Mexico, has struck a chord for me:
“There’s an old saying in my country, that we sacrifice the health and well being of our people for the sake of the economy, but here in the U.S., you’ve sacrificed the health and well-being of your people—and ironically, it’s now sinking your economy.”
A Lose-Lose Scenario
In other words, what was a lose-to-win mentality in his country has turned into a lose-lose for ours. And he’s right: We have a weakened economy and a population that’s growing less healthy with every passing day, despite all the efforts we see and hear about fighting to stem the tide, and the healthcare costs of our people are now severely draining our economy.
I’m not here to argue about the cost of our arguably broken health care system, which is directly impacting and contributing to a sluggish economy. Rather, let’s just focus on preventable disease caused by unhealthy behavior: The CDC reports that more than 35% of adults in this country are obese, more than 46 million Americans smoke, and more than a quarter of the population does no physical activity at all (reported on here by abcnews). According to a 2011 study by Medco Health Solutions, 20% of Americans take at least one drug to treat a psychological disorder, ranging from antidepressants like Prozac to anti-anxiety drugs like Xanax. These behaviors undoubtedly contribute to the most costly chronic diseases and our oversized healthcare spending and the rates keep peaking—which leads me to wonder, is health the bigger fiscal cliff?
Can Tech Shift the Tide?
Technology has created and revitalized huge sectors of the economy, adding wealth and retooling industries like telecommunications, video gaming, music and media. It can instigate real and lasting behavior changes and impact our health care problem.
Right now, the market for digital health solutions is still nascent. Yes, mobile and technology solutions in health and well-being can be highly disruptive in terms of creating personal awareness of one’s well-being and daily lifestyle habits and leveraging social power to change behavior. But healthcare providers and payors need to jump on the bandwagon and support these products and motivate or incent consumers to use tools that will help them take better care of themselves and their families.
It’s worth mentioning that the food industry needs to take some responsibility, too—all the awareness in the world can’t prevail in the face of bad food choices. I have great faith in innovation to help stem a growing problem. But can it perform miracles? I have faith in technology’s ability to disrupt patterns in our lives, particularly the bad habits and mindless behaviors that contribute to poor lifestyle choices. Maybe awareness and incentives will also help the miracles.
For my part, I’m working to give people the tools to not just assess their stress levels and areas of greatest concern, but to teach them how to change their thinking—which changes everything. Stress contributes to all manner of health problems, and so changing the paradigm around stress will pave the way for much more.
As a nation, our technological advances have revolutionized and enhanced the basic ways in which we live, work, relax, socialize and learn. Technology and innovation have a higher purpose than fun, funny and beautiful products we love to use. As they reshape our world, we must use them to reshape our individual approaches to health and well-being for the sake of our future. What could possibly be more important for the health of the nation?
Jan Bruce writes about consumer health and wellness, and the business of personal well-being, sees Balance Sheet, Forbes.com. She is the CEO and co-founder of www.meQuilibrium.com, the online stress management system; see Jan’s blog at www.huffingtonpost.com/meQuilibrium. Previously publisher/entrepreneur: Whole Living.com/body+soul, Dr. Weil’s Self Healing, Walking Magazine, Integrative Medicine Communications.