Sure, personal appearance matters. And beyond your looks, your resume and your pedigree, it’s also the ‘package’ you broadcast when you walk in a room. But, despite all the hard work you’ve put in to get you this far, you could be undermining it all by carrying yourself in ways that communicate stress, uncertainty, and fear.
I have interviewed hundreds of people in my career, some of whom I have hired, most of whom I haven’t. And while I’m sure their personal appearance played a role, as did their resumes, when it comes down to it, there’s this ineffable thing that leaves me with a yay or nay vibe. A quality of energy, a way that person holds themselves while they sit, stand or walk across the room, speaks volumes about who he is, and what he thinks of himself. The young, pedigreed MBA from New York City who couldn’t sit still in his chair. The seasoned sales executive who kept touching her hair. One woman wouldn’t look me in the eye, and became visibly uneasy whenever I complimented her.
This, in effect, is the gist of Harvard social psychologist Amy Cuddy’s overwhelmingly popular 2012 TED talk (the second most-viewed of all TED talks), and as reported in the New York Times (“Amy Cuddy Takes a Stand”).
Ms. Cuddy’s work demonstrates that how you hold your body has a major impact on how you perceive yourself. It’s the ultimate walk the talk or fake it til you make it and now it’s scientifically proven.
She has studied how posture specifically affects people’s professional success: Cuddy’s research shows that if you maintain fearful postures, you will think of yourself as less powerful and less likely to succeed than others. And we know that thinking affects behavior. Believe yourself to be a flop; you will flop. Your mind and body will suffer the consequences of such negative thinking as well, from stress, anxiety and depression to weight gain and sleeplessness.
Not only that—postures affect you on a physiological level: People who hold themselves more confidently experience a surge of testosterone and a decrease in cortisol, while the exact opposite is true for people who use defensive or scared postures. That hormonal shift has a significant impact on your ability to be successfully a player or a leader. When you are up on testosterone and low on cortisol, you feel more assertive, confident, and comfortable. You are much less stress-reactive. You can make the hard decisions in tight spots, and the creative decisions in expansive spots, both of which are the mark of true leadership.
Are You Undermining Your Power?
Here are some of the things I observe that raise red flags for me when I meet someone new, as well as insights that Cuddy gives into how to address them. If you see yourself in some of these postures, it’s time to make an intentional shift to change them. As Cuddy advises, you will not only improve your appearance, but create an actual hormonal shift by changing your posture as a practice, and doing it for two minutes right before you walk into the room.
RED FLAG: Your shoulders are up around your ears.
If you scan your body right now and find that your shoulders are hunched, not only are you putting strain on those muscles, you are likely communicating anxiety and defensiveness to yourself and others.
POWER POSE: Chin up, shoulders down. Cuddy says that for two minutes every day, you should stand with your shoulders down and back, your heart slightly raised, and your chin angled slightly upward. To complete this classic Superman or Wonder Woman picture, place your hands on your hips or hold them slightly away from your body.
RED FLAG: You look like you’re trying to disappear.
Women in particular struggle with taking up physical space in public. Think of legs or ankles tightly crossed, arms tights at the sides, perched on the edge of a chair. The body language here is controlled but it more submissive than powerful; people who held these poses in Cuddy’s research had more cortisol and less testosterone. (It’s also a posture that we adopt with smartphones and tablets, which often cause us to curl inward toward our devices.)
POWER POSE: Plant your legs and feet. Sit with your legs uncrossed and your feet on the floor, your arms resting comfortably on your knees or at your sides. Lift your heart and lower your shoulders while gently lifting your chin, as if you are looking at the horizon.
RED FLAG: You keep touching your neck.
There’s something atavistic about this pose, because you are, in effect, protecting your most vulnerable spot. Not only does this pose express insecurity and fear to others, it triggers a stress response in our own brains that you are literally under attack. The cortisol zooms up, and fight-flight-or-freeze kicks in.
POWER POSE: Expose the neck. Practice the Wonder Woman pose, taking care to focus on the sensation of exposing your neck. Or, try it seated, feet up on the desk and arms folded behind your head, chin up. When you notice yourself touching your neck with your hands, try wrapping an arm loosely around a chair back or on an arm rest.
Posture is not finite or permanent. The best news here is that you can make changes—as Cuddy says, not to “fake it til you make it” but to fake it til you become that better, stronger version of you. It’s worth making every effort you can so that you not only broadcast your capability to do the job, but to cope with whatever comes your way.