As an entrepreneur, wife, mother of two, and a human who needs food and sleep, I know the challenges of an endlessly busy life. When you’re driven by big goals and big ideas, that busyness seems downright natural. If I want so much, the thought goes, then I’m going to be working all the time.
Even though I do have significant ambitions, I also have a fundamental disagreement with the idea of 24/7 busyness. As I shared recently on Fox Business’s The Willis Report, you, as a human being in a human body, simply can’t sustain constant activity. Eventually you’ll be slamming on the gas pedal with the emergency brake on. Your tires might spin, but your engine will break.
The key to staying sane, healthy, and productive under constant pressure is learning how to prioritize your many responsibilities and say “no” when needed.
Here are three reasons to draw the line.
1. Your health is at stake
Your body is your best guide when it comes to owning up to your limits. It can’t lie. When you’ve gone with just a few hours of sleep for weeks on end, something in your body will hurt or break. If you forget to drink enough water in a day, you’ll get a headache. Think of your emotions as another kind of body, too. When you’re irritable, unmotivated, and dragging yourself through each day, that’s a red flag that you’re close to burning out. (More signs you’re on the brink of burnout).
By the way, the same idea holds when you want to understand your employees’ limits. Instead of a physical body, you’re looking at productivity, performance, absenteeism, and other benchmarks of chronic busyness and stress to see where things are breaking down.
Whether you’re focused on yourself or your business, you need to understand the current, real capacity of the body in play. Once you know the limits, you can take the steps to push them appropriately, such as blocking downtime into your calendar so you are charged up for more activity, or teaching resiliency skills to a workforce.
Say no when: Saying yes would compromise your health, your sleep, or your ability to cope with the stressors that abound daily. It doesn’t mean you can’t take other stuff on, but you must apply the one in, one out system: For every one thing you take on, you must hand off, delegate, or drop something else.
2. You start to play the “who’s busier” game
The cultural pressure to equate busyness with success is immense. It’s fashionable to be busy; it’s a tangible way for you to prove to colleagues, family, and yourself that you’re making it.
But busyness is just a shadow of success. Its only value comes from comparison: being busier than a competitor in your field, a colleague, a neighbor, a fellow PTA member. So you win at being busy. Who really cares? What’s more valuable (and impressive) is deciding for yourself what it means to be a great leader or a great mom and then achieving that goal, however many hours it takes. That’s success you can build on.
Say no when: Saying yes wouldn’t add value to your life in a meaningful way or help you progress personally or professionally. What do you wish for yourself to achieve and to experience? This might include tackling a big, time-consuming project, as long as its serves more than an itch to keep up with the Joneses.
3. You say “yes” out of guilt
When you’re clear on your limits and on your goals, then you can ask two questions of each new opportunity for busyness: Can you do this? And if you do, will it serve your goals?
When you start to draw boundaries around your time, guilt often comes up. Negative reactions like this deserve careful attention, because chances are good that a set of thoughts and beliefs is driving them, not the fact of saying “no.” If you don’t investigate the deeper reasons for the guilt, the emotion will run you ragged.
Say no when: Guilt is the sole reason for complying. This is when you need to step back, observe your thoughts and question them. Are you really letting someone down? Or is it all in your head? What’s really pushing you to take on more and more? Clarity here will help you respect your own limits and goals. (Read more on handling negative emotions and thoughts.)
As a leader at work and a role model at home, it’s your job to show how ambition and health can co-exist. Keeping busy isn’t the point for your business, family, or self. Show them how to keep going while keeping well.