Before Mitt Romney’s claims about the women in his Governor’s administration having flexible hours get eclipsed by ships and bayonets and horses, let’s credit him for elevating the conversation about work life balance to the field of presidential politics. If only he hadn’t relegated work life balance to a women’s issue. Doesn’t that subtly make it softer, weaker—an issue for losers and sissies, as David Shaywitz references in his recent blog Silicon Valley: Work-Life Balance Is For Losers, Not Closers? Women’s rights regarding work, pay and education aren’t women’s issues, they make our nation stronger. Real men eat quiche and go home to cook dinner for the kids sometimes; study after study of the habits of resilient people show that this is good for the kids and the men. Imagine an enlightened presidential candidate from the business sector arguing that everyone routinely needs a bit of balance to stay productive and effective. This isn’t just for the binders full of women, everyone loses if they don’t systematically and routinely recharge and pay attention to the other elements in ourlives.
Today’s business culture presents a set of obstacles to maintaining life balance, including 24/7 wireless connectivity, telecommuting and the endless workday, and simultaneous multi-media exposure. Add to these the scarcity of capital and a prolonged financial crisis. And don’t forget the constant feed of a mind-boggling array of visual entertainment as well as domestic terrorism, foreign wars, infectious disease breakouts, water and energy crises, global warming, corporate and celebrity scandals, and eviscerating political campaign advertising (and debates).
Entrepreneurs and business leaders are not immune to these – and even when they are “in flow” and deeply engaged in business building, working in overdrive without break is, as Adam Perlman, MD, Duke University’s Center for Integrative Medicine, puts it, “like keeping your foot on the pedal while the car is parked –sooner or later, the engine will suffer damage.” As an entrepreneur and business builder I know the feeling of flow, and do believe that you have to work smart and work hard to build value – but no matter how smart and hard you are – you need a break to recharge. Ironically, the longer you go without, the less likely you are to feel this need, until you gradually but overwhelmingly flip over into an unproductive, foggy state or worse, serious health issues.
The entrepreneurial work ethic is a form of code – that you’re macho, you have stamina. But entrepreneurs need to be performance athletes when it comes to business building. Athletes know that it is easier to stay well maintained and resilient, than rebuild after a setback. Similarly, work life family balance isn’t about the break, it’s about maintaining resilience for the duration. Strong social and family connection most definitely accrues to that goal.
Work life balance is an issue of best practices for business leaders and innovators. Just as we need empowered and creative work forces, we need them focused and productive, not stressed, tired and overwhelmed. Let’s take this out of the kitchen and recognize that a balanced, resilient entrepreneur has a sharper toolkit for creativity, staying power and success.